Tytgat Institute Services
The Tytgat Institute is a leading research center in Gastroenterology and Hepatology.
The Tytgat Institute is a leading research center in Gastroenterology and Hepatology.
The Tytgat Institute for Liver and Intestinal Research, part of the Amsterdam University Medical Centers (AmsterdamUMC), is one of the leading international research centers in Gastroenterology and Hepatology. In addition, the Tytgat Institute also provides customized laboratory and research services for fee. Our team, comprised of excellent basal and clinical scientists, technicians and project managers, is committed and able to provide the expertise and flexible services clients or collaborators need.
Among our clients and collaborators are biopharmaceutical companies (start-ups to large multinationals) and a leading global CRO. We have performed laboratory services for international multicenter Phase I, II, III clinical trials and have been able to accommodate infrequent patient recruitment projects.
Our facilities and research are fully accredited according to the international ISO15189 standard for medical laboratories (Accreditation nr M304) and are compliant with Good Clinical Laboratory Practice (GCLP) standards.
The Tytgat Institute areas of expertise are:
Being incorporated in the AmsterdamUMC, we have top notch scientists and research facilities with access to biobanking/patient populations. For more information, also see the following links:
We offer a full range of routine and customized services, that we've listed below:
If you require further information about any of our listed services or would like to inquire about an assay or service that is not listed, please contact us:
Tytgat Institute for Liver and Intestinal diseases
AmsterdamUMC, location AMC
Meibergdreef 69-71
1105 BK Amsterdam
The Netherlands
By phone: +31 20 5668832 (Dr. ir. Ingrid Gaemers (Project manager external services))
Or by email: i.c.gaemers @ amsterdamumc.nl